We are all about your family.
Whether you’re a college student or senior adult, single, or married with kids, you’ll feel encouraged by the authentic community we have at Family of Christ here in North Tampa. You can visit as many times as you want without any obligations or pressure. And who knows—you just might decide to make Family of Christ your new church home! As you plan your visit, here are some things to know.
What is the worship like?
Different people worship in different ways, but it's always about Jesus! At 9 am, you will experience rich forms of worship elements and hymns that draw from Scripture and language that's been passed down for generations. At 11 am, you will experience more modern elements and music that are easy to tap into. At all services, we come around God's goodness through His Word and the Lord's Supper, just like Jesus taught! Services last about an hour, depending on the Scripture we are talking about.
What kind of message will I hear?
At Family of Christ, we believe that it's All About Jesus, Only About Jesus, Always About Jesus. We have a laser focus on the Gospel of Jesus (what God has done for us) and His teaching/instruction (how God has designed us to love Him and love one another). We talk about what God talks about.
What about my kids?
We value kids in worship with their parents. We also value age-appropriate learning environments. So, we provide both. We begin by worshiping together, then we provide an environment for the kids to learn in a meaningful, tangible way during the message. We train leaders to love your kids and keep them safe. We also have a staffed nursery for your little ones! You can drop them off or stay in the nursery and listen live. And just so you know, kids wiggle and make noise, and we always welcome them in worship with their parents.
It's a big campus. Where do I go when I get there?
We are located at 16190 Bruce B Downs in Tampa. We worship in the big building with the fountain in front. If you come to this building, we got the rest!