Big Picture Overview

Over 10 weeks in the Fall and 10 weeks in the Spring, we will spend time in the top 100 stories in the Bible. We are calling this series "The Big Picture" because we will look at how God is working throughout all of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Growing in these stories will give you a good Biblical basis for how God works in the lives of His people and weaves His story of salvation in Jesus Christ.

Click HERE to sign up for notifications and encouragement as you participate in The Big Picture with us!

Introduction   ||   The Compassion of the Lord – Isaiah 55:1-13

Besides a daily scripture reading outline, each weekly blog post will have:
  • a link to the previous week's sermon for an overview of the scriptures
  • an information section with the history of the Biblical book, major locations, and more
  • a set of questions that can be used for quiet reflection or as a group devotion
  • a prayer for the week

Dear Lord, you have said in Isaiah 55 that your Word does not return empty but accomplishes the purpose You have set for it. We believe Your Word is truth and that we can depend on Your promises. We pray that your Word would work in our hearts as we read and hear it. By Your Holy Spirit, help us to grow in faith and love toward You. Help us to show your grace and compassion to those around us. Amen.

You can engage these blog readings and devotional times individually or as a group. If you want to send an email to Family of Christ with your thoughts and questions, you are invited to click the link below.